In today's Dear Annie column, Annie Lane weighs in on a spouse who is tired of covering for her husband's absences.
"My husband pouts and refuses to come with me when I visit our kids and grandkids, choosing instead to stay home watching TV ...
From the time I was in second grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer. But everyone around me insisted it was a terrible idea.
I accept they’re dealing with serious personal issues, but the heartbreak of their behavior is slow to dissipate.
Dear Confused: You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved. Your cousin is making destructive choices, but she’s also ...
I love my cat, and I don’t think it’s fair to give him up, especially when I’ve gone above and beyond to accommodate my ...
Since your mother has expressed that she wants to go into assisted living, the best thing you can do is take action. Start ...
For 32 years, I've been married to a wonderful partner who comes from a loving family. There was a crisis a year ago when my ...
Dear Annie: I’m a 73-year-old widow, and I lost my husband in 2018. I had two grown sons; one passed away last October, and the other no longer speaks to me. He believes I abandoned him ...
DEAR ANNIE: I’ve always been the person who people turn to for support -- friends, family, even co-workers come to me when they need advice or a shoulder to lean on. And while I genuinely love ...
Dear Annie: Spending time with one of my closest friends has become exhausting. She constantly talks about how unhappy and ...