Blue jay bird is one of the magnificent birds, intelligent and full of life, possessing the power of provoking attention.
Discover how a lone blue jay acted as a vigilant sentinel, bringing calm and security to a bustling winter bird feeder.
The bird’s flight is strong and steady, with wings rarely flexed above horizontal. Polytypic. Length 11.5". A nearly unmistakable dark blue, black-crested jay with variable white or blue ...
But there are some dos and don’ts you should know about, according to MI Birds, a program created by Audubon Great Lakes and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Blue jays, red-breasted ...
Juvenile: much grayer overall, showing very little blue on the head. Flight: Usually undulating with quick deep wingbeats. Both the Steller’s jay and the blue jay have conspicuous crests and ...
Argumentative and noisy, they’re the lovable gangsters of the forest and give off a general sense of being up to no good.