Check out a special flip-book issue in this preview of Poison Ivy #30, where both Ivy and Janet find themselves lost in ...
Poison Ivy #30 rewrites the Alan Moore's original Swamp Thing story of humanity and the Green (Spoilers) Poison Ivy #30 ...
They're so realistic," Cuoco tells Entertainment Weekly. "That's what I find so endearing about the show. The fights they have, and the insecurities that Harley has sometimes with Ivy, feel like a ...
Pamela Isley finds herself thrown into the unlikely role of ambassador due to her ties to three worlds in Poison Ivy #30.
Before long, King — the writer behind Heroes in Crisis and a staple on DC’s Batman — took to ... it’s been long-rumored that Poison Ivy would be a character dying in the series.
'That's what I find so endearing about the show. The fights they have...feel like a real relationship,' the actress tells Entertainment Weekly.