The Quebec government is creating a committee to make recommendations on how to strengthen secularism in the province.
The Quebec government is backing out of a meeting with the mayor of Blainville, Que., to discuss the expansion of a hazardous ...
Prime minister-designate Mark Carney’s team has approached former Quebec premier Jean Charest to offer him a role, ...
U.S. tensions, Québec faces unique challenges in preserving its distinct identity, language and culture within Canada.
The officer was solicited and caught meeting up with a 15-year-old boy in a parc after meeting on the dating and hookup app ...
CEO Michael Sabia visited Churchill Falls plant in Labrador and said he is “100 per cent” confident a new plant at Gull ...
In the region north of Quebec City, it's hard to drive along the snow-covered roads without coming across trucks transporting ...
The seeds of SAAQclic’s downfall were planted all the way back in 2017, when the province began to make long-needed upgrades ...
Keedysville's Tobin Gray, 12, started in goal for the Washington Little Caps at the prestigious Quebec City International Pee ...
We should know this summer whether Quebec will open breast cancer screening to women aged 40 to 49. For now, the Quebec ...
Companies will be granted an additional six months’ reprieve to repay financial aid they received from local investment funds ...
A high-ranking Trump administration official used the library as a stage to dramatize the president’s threats to impose ...