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The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party has called on President Peter Pellegrini to stand by his pre-election promises and veto the consolidation package, SaS chairman Branislav Groehling ...
If the war in Ukraine ends during the mandate of my government, I will do my utmost to restore standard and economic ties with Russia, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) declared on Thursday with ...
The government will compensate for high energy prices for households next year as well, with a relatively large sum, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) said at a press conference on Thursday ...
The entire political spectrum agreed that consolidation was essential, and there's a need to stress this, as it is the opposition that is fully responsible for the condition of public finances, ...
The European Parliament on Thursday published a post-election Eurobarometer survey aimed at people's voting behaviour in the recent EP elections and their priorities, TASR has learnt from its Brussels ...
Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) condemned displays of approval of the May 15 assassination attempt against Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) once again on Thursday, pointing to ...
As part of the consolidation of public finances, MPs definitively approved a law on a financial transaction tax on Thursday. The law was dealt with via a short-tracked legislative procedure during the ...
A total of 282 exhibitors from 13 countries are presenting their wares at the 29th annual Autosalon motor show that was opened at the Agrokomplex exhibition centre in Nitra on Thursday, TASR has ...
MP Viliam Tanko is joining the caucus of the opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party, PS leader Michal Simecka announced at a news conference held jointly with Tanko on Thursday. The PS caucus ...
MPs on Thursday definitively approved a package of measures to consolidate public finances next year. As part of the consolidation, the basic VAT rate should go up from 20 percent to 23 percent, with ...
MPs have continued to debate the consolidation package at its second reading on Thursday after starting on Tuesday (October 1) morning, and the final vote should be held later in the day. The package ...