Donald Trump discussed the war in Ukraine on Wednesday in phone calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the new U.S. president's first big step towards ...
Donald Trump and his supporters on Wednesday continued to ramp up their criticism of judges who they say have stymied the Republican U.S. president's second-term agenda, with billionaire ally Elon ...
Scaling back the SLS, which is being developed by Boeing and Northrop Grumman, could offer a boost to Musk's SpaceX, which is developing its own cheaper, albeit less powerful rocket called Falcon ...
On Sunday morning, the Hong Kong Marathon 2025 started with a bang. Among this year's runners, about 200 of them from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) took part with a mission. These runners not ...
As the vibrant sounds of drums and gongs filled the air, a colorful troupe of performers holding an ancient auspicious animal, wound its way through the villages of the New Territories of Hong Kong, ...
President Donald Trump's new tariff orders against Canada, Mexico and China all contain clauses suspending a duty-free exemption for low-value shipments below $800 that is widely seen as a loophole ...
When M23 rebels swept into the Congolese city of Goma this week, world powers urged them to immediately withdraw. Instead, the Rwanda-backed insurgents are intent on showing they can restore order and ...
U.S. President Donald Trump's vision of a Gaza Strip cleared of its Palestinian inhabitants and redeveloped into an international beach resort under U.S. control has revived an idea floated by his son ...
台中百貨公司新光三越中港店發生氣體爆炸, 搜救告一段落, 確認無人受困. 消防局說, 事件造成4死26傷, 包括澳門居民. 事發在今早11時半左右, 新光三越中港店12樓發生氣體爆炸, 爆炸威力強大, 天花板塌陷、 電梯和樓梯都嚴重損壞, 大量碎片散落一地, 2公里外的地方都聽到爆炸聲. 一個到當地旅遊的七人澳門家庭, 事發時路經現場, 其中兩人死亡, 其餘五人受傷. 澳門旅遊局證實接獲澳門居民傷 ...
華瑞今日就中糧包裝控股(00906)私有化, 向餘下少數股東寄發強制收購通知. 如無股東向法院提出異議申請, 預期強制收購將於2025年4月17日完成. 華瑞已於強制收購有效期內, 收購不少於九成的華瑞要約股份, 及不少於九成的無利害關係股份, 華瑞將行使其於公司條例項下的權利將中糧包裝控股私有化, 並根據收購守則規則, 按華瑞要約價, 即每股7.21港元, 強制收購餘下華瑞要約股份. 透過向餘下 ...
海洋公園一對大熊貓龍鳳胎年滿半歲, 將於周日與公眾見面. 海洋公園主席龐建貽表示, 大熊貓寶寶每日上午十時至下午三時出場, 將會以流水式安排市民入場. 龐建貽在電視節目說, 展館只可容納大約100人, 每小時可容許800至1000人, 建議市民選擇平日入場, 可以有更多機會看到並與牠們拍照. 另外, 海洋公園周日起設每日一團、 最多40人的「貴賓團」, 每人收費1,500元, 持票人可於9時半入園 ...
永嘉集團 (03322)公布, 預期截至2024年12月31日止年度, 將錄得除稅後虧損約6000萬元, 而2023年度則錄得除稅後虧損3億8300萬元. 尤其是集團成功從中期錄得除稅後虧損8600萬元, 轉為年度下半年錄得除稅後溢利約2600萬元. 預估除稅後虧損減少, 主要源於運動服生產業務的經營溢利增加約1億9800萬元, 因而錄得經營溢利1000萬元; 及高級時裝零售業務於去年度, ...