Mitosis orchestrates eukaryotic cell division, maintaining genetic fidelity and playing a key role in development, tissue homeostasis, and cancer progression.
Most animal, plant and fungal cells contain organelles called mitochondria. These descendants of a primordial bacterial endosymbiont still preserve distinct genes and are known for their ability to ...
A recent study from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India has revealed new details about how our cells clean up and recycle waste. This process, known as autophagy, is like a self ...
In 2009 a team of biophysicists led by Anthony A. Hyman of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, were studying specklelike structures called P ...
According to precedent and due to his status, Yoon will probably be assigned a solitary cell, likely bigger and better appointed than the standard 6.56 square metre (71 square feet) single cells.