Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Wednesday announced the establishment of a research chair in the name of the freedom fighter and member of Constituent Assembly Pandit Shriram Sharma at ...
On 27 October 1947, a 299-member Constituent Assembly began to draft the Indian constitution, which was finally adopted on 26 ...
The first day of the Tennessee General Assembly is largely a procedural day, with 12 new lawmakers being sworn in and elections for speakers held.
Committee member secretary Akhtar Hossain said it will consider further actions if the government fails to announce July Proclamation ...
Ahead of Lok Sabha Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi's scheduled visit to Mhow, Madhya Pradesh on January 27, Bharatiya ...
History has taught us that antisemitism endangers any society which allows it to fester, so its rise threatens us all and must be confronted.