"Magic Farm," which premiered Tuesday at the Sundance Film Festival, is a comedy with a misguided premise that becomes ...
In other news, a bill outlining a framework for Utah to shift towards nuclear energy is headed to the House after a unanimous vote in committee.
The economic impact of the Sundance Film Festival isn’t what it used to be, according to several business owners on Park City ...
"Last Days," which premiered Tuesday at the Sundance Film Festival, depicts the events which led missionary John Allen Chau ...
Spirits brand Rabbit Hole and actor Jay Ellis announced a contest to provide camera equipment and mentoring to aspiring filmmakers.
Cox said the effort harkens back to a time decades ago when U.S. companies were the best in the world at building new things. He noted that the Federal Aviation Administration last fall licensed a new ...
Alpaca International, a store on Main Street, displays a sticker in support of retaining the Sundance Film Festival in Utah.
From the Rockies to mysterious rocks by rail, road and foot, America's southwest - its canyons, lakes and mountains - is a ...
Let's get loud! Jennifer Lopez had a blast partying at TAO Park City in Utah, insiders tell In Touch exclusively, revealing ...
The air taxis, which garnered support from the Utah Department of Transportation and the Governor’s Office of Economic ...
As mentioned, Crosby and the Penguins make their first visit to Utah on Wednesday. The game starts at 7:30 p.m. and will be ...
When Sundance leaves in 2027, attendees are weighing the pros and cons of the three finalists, Salt Lake City, Boulder, and ...