“Train Dreams,” a drama starring Joel Edgerton and Felicity Jones, has been acquired by Netflix out of Sundance. Our own review called it a “patient, profound and painful experience” and compared it ...
Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun star in a marvelously inventive sci-fi romance that spans eons yet pokes at a simple question ...
Netflix is buying the Joel Edgerton and Felicity Jones drama Train Dreams. Sources tell us that the deal was in the high teen ...
Joel Edgerton and Felicity Jones star in “Train Dreams,” which is adapted from a 2011 novella by Denis Johnson. Clint Bentley, who oversaw the 2021 drama, “Jockey,” which also premiered at Sundance, ...
Sweet Dreams is a romantic drama film starring Amol Parashar as Kenny and Mithila Palkar as Dia in the lead roles. The film is an adaptation of the 2014 Canadian film In My Dreams. Sweet Dreams is ...
The 'Train Dreams' co-writers are also Oscar nominees for Sing Sing, but Clint Bentley and Greg Kwedar almost didn't wake up ...