I’ve known my friend “Ella” for over 50 years. In the last few years, for whatever reason, she only wants to communicate with ...
The latest Spotlight Series was headlined by Annie Sciolla, who works in the Jazz Studies Department. Friends, family, and ...
He’s manipulative, turns his father against me, and has lived with us multiple times due to homelessness, jail and house arrest.
In today's Dear Annie column, Annie Lane weighs in on a reader who is tired of living with her troubled stepson ...
From the time I was in second grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer. But everyone around me insisted it was a terrible idea. So, I chose the “safe” path and became a teacher, spending two years in a ...
Dear Annie: From the time I was in second grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer. But everyone around me insisted it was a ...
DEAR HAVE IT ALL: Thank you for sharing your story! You showed that believing in yourself is very powerful. You didn’t let fear, practicality or even the wrong partner stop you, and now you’re proof ...
Have a serious talk with your husband. Make it clear that you will no longer tolerate being disrespected, manipulated or ...
Dear Stepson Problem: You don’t have a stepson problem; you have a husband problem. His refusal to set boundaries is enabling his son’s behavior at your expense. At 31, this man is not a troubled ...
Dear Stepson Problem: You don’t have a stepson problem; you have a husband problem. His refusal to set boundaries is enabling ...
"I’ve had to install security cameras just to feel safe. He has a history of failed relationships and issues with women, yet my husband refuses to see the problem because he desperately wants a ...
I also married a man I believed was the love of my life — someone who shared my writing ambitions. But shortly after we wed, ...