Veteran Bollywood actor Anupam Kher took a holy dip in the Triveni Sangam at the ongoing Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj on Wednesday ...
The sansthan is known for its philanthropic services in treatment and rehabilitation of polio-affected people.
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Pilgrims are flocking to Maha Kumbh to take the holy dip in Sangam but several differently abled people have a different reason to visit Prayagraj -- free treatment and fitment of artificial limbs.
Pilgrims are flocking to Maha Kumbh to take the holy dip in Sangam but several differently abled people have a different reason to visit Prayagraj — free treatment and fitment of artificial limbs.
Actor Anupam Kher took the holy dip in the Triveni Sangam at the ongoing Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, today. He called it an emotional moment of his life.