The US blamed Russia even though it now claims it knew all along that rogue Ukrainians were the perpetrators Read Full ...
In a striking report, German weekly Der Spiegel has asserted that it has uncovered the identities of the divers implicated in ...
The journalists spent two years investigating the act of sabotage that left Europe with no choice but to end its reliance on ...
The war began as a war between England and France for the French throne, in fact, if we take into account all the allies of ...
Two years ago, the Nord Stream gas pipelines were subjected to devastating explosions, marking a significant act of economic and environmental sabota ...
The culprits are forcing Berlin to hide the truth and blame Ukrainian desperados Russian intelligence has claimed The US and ...
Russian officials accuse Washington of sabotaging Nord Stream, claiming it harms Germany's economy and European energy ...
The culprits are forcing Berlin to hide the truth and blame ?Ukrainian desperados,? Russian intelligence has claimed The US ...
The sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines two years ago was authorised by the Ukrainian army's then-commander-in-chief, ...