Donald Trump discussed the war in Ukraine on Wednesday in phone calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the new U.S. president's first big step towards ...
Donald Trump and his supporters on Wednesday continued to ramp up their criticism of judges who they say have stymied the Republican U.S. president's second-term agenda, with billionaire ally Elon ...
Scaling back the SLS, which is being developed by Boeing and Northrop Grumman, could offer a boost to Musk's SpaceX, which is developing its own cheaper, albeit less powerful rocket called Falcon ...
On Sunday morning, the Hong Kong Marathon 2025 started with a bang. Among this year's runners, about 200 of them from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) took part with a mission. These runners not ...
As the vibrant sounds of drums and gongs filled the air, a colorful troupe of performers holding an ancient auspicious animal, wound its way through the villages of the New Territories of Hong Kong, ...
President Donald Trump's new tariff orders against Canada, Mexico and China all contain clauses suspending a duty-free exemption for low-value shipments below $800 that is widely seen as a loophole ...
When M23 rebels swept into the Congolese city of Goma this week, world powers urged them to immediately withdraw. Instead, the Rwanda-backed insurgents are intent on showing they can restore order and ...
U.S. President Donald Trump's vision of a Gaza Strip cleared of its Palestinian inhabitants and redeveloped into an international beach resort under U.S. control has revived an idea floated by his son ...
評級機構標準普爾預計, 香港甲級寫字樓租金今年將跌百分之8至10, 跌幅大於原來估計的百分之5, 意味租金回落至2012年水平. 標普在報告指出, 香港地產商面對經濟不確定性, 及新落成寫字樓激烈競爭, 預期業主將採取更多措施挽留租戶, 包括在續租時減租. 周轉出問題業主出售寫字樓的情況可能會增加, 即使是最穩健的業主, 其所持寫字樓物業估值也會受到衝擊. 標普全球評級信用分析師Ricky Tsa ...
財政司長陳茂波表示, 剛過去的龍年, 港股的表現不俗, 恒指上升近4,500點, 升幅接近三成. 蛇年開局亦不錯, 約兩個星期上升了接近1,600點, 平均每日成交額超過2,200億元, 可說是價量齊升, 可見無論是大市上升的動力, 又或市場對未來發展的憧憬, 科技股都是重要支撐. 他在查詢AI模型後, 得出科技發展潛力巨大, 是蛇年股市表現的重要動力的答案. 陳茂波出席一個新春酒會時說, 港交所 ...
台中新光三越百貨造成4死26傷的爆炸案, 當地消防局表示, 初步認為氣體爆炸, 但氣體來源需要檢察官調查跟進. 台中市消防局長孫福佑表示, 初步了解現場沒有易爆物品, 現場原本使用天然氣, 但在案發前氣表已經拆除, 但有工人表示當時聞到氣體味道, 因此要由檢方作進一步調查. 他又澄清, 4名死者中, 有2人是在11樓及12樓發現的, 另有2人是在地下行人路發現, 並沒有發生爆炸造成人員墮樓情況.