온누리상품권을 도입 취지에 맞게 전통시장용으로만 사용하자니 이용률이 뚝 떨어지고, 사용처를 늘리자니 지역사랑상품권(지역화폐)과 차별화하기가 힘들다. 온누리상품권이 처한 딜레마다. 이 때문에 온누리상품권 발행은 계속 늘어나는데 ...
In the future, small breweries will be able to manufacture soju, brandy, and whiskey directly. The government also plans to ...
앞으로 소규모 양조장에서 소주·브랜디·위스키를 직접 제조할 수 있게 된다. 정부는 소규모 전통주 제조업체에 대한 주세 감면 혜택도 대폭 늘려 국산 전통주를 미래 농식품 산업의 고부가가치 품목으로 키울 계획이다.
Actor Jin Ki-joo delivered his unique charm of "Undercover High School."MBC's new Friday-Saturday drama "Undercover High ...
Hanwha Aerospace, which recorded an earnings surprise last year, is also starting to localize in the Middle East, a major export region of "K Defense." Amid soaring stock prices as well as Hanwha Aero ...
A British man who lost 1 trillion won worth of bitcoin at the present value eventually decided to purchase the entire Sledge ...
The Philippine military chief said on the 12th (local time) that the Philippines is trying to join South Korea in the "Squad, ...
Seoul City Hall escaped from two consecutive losses with a thrilling come-from-behind victory over Daegu Metropolitan City ...
フィリピンが中国を牽制する米国、日本、オーストラリア、フィリピンの4カ国の非公式安全保障協議体「スクワッド」(Squad)に韓国を加入させようとしていると、フィリピン軍の首長が12日(現地時間)明らかにした。ロイター通信によると、フィリピン軍のロミオ ...
한국동서발전은 12~14일 3일간 서울 코엑스에서 열리는 ‘스마트 그리드 엑스포(Smart Grid Expo) 2025’에 참가해 분산에너지 사업역량 및 울산지역 분산에너지 협력 성과를 홍보한다고 밝혔다. 해당 행사는 ...
Korea East-West Power announced that it will participate in the "Smart Grid Expo 2025" held at COEX in Seoul for three days ...
The parents of the group NJZ (Newzins) said they had "issued a new visa through due process" on Hani's visa issue.On the 12th ...