And by “they,” we mean 8,000 Major League Baseball (MLB ... of Dreams,” surrounded by the magical backdrop of green corn fields. As the two teams are on deck for the historic sporting ...
"If you build it, he will come," has been the Field of Dreams mantra since the movie's premiere. What's at the site instead ...
Perhaps the most repeated line from the iconic 1989 baseball movie “Field of Dreams” is one whispered from the corn field, “If you build it, he will come.” Today, Miles Seppelt would like nothing ...
Watching the Field of Dreams brought back so many memories of how much baseball has been part of my life. It also showed me how something as simple as watching a game with your Da ...
“No baseball bats this year ... I think scouts are looking at consistency in corn samples from field to field to field, between 190 to 210 bushels, and they’re not really seeing many ...