What are these problems? Powdery mildew, Japanese beetles, black spot on the roses, and grubs, the small, hard-to-identify insects that can kill a lawn. The best way to remedy pesky insects and ...
It’s enough to slow the insects but not eradicate them. Japanese beetles can kill commercially important crops like hops, grapes and roses. "If property owners don’t allow treatment ...
The Washington Department of Agriculture is stepping in to eradicate invasive Japanese Beetles, which are affecting thousands of property owners throughout the state. According to The Washington ...
Climate change is bringing new insect pests into our gardens. A change in climate means that areas that were once ...
Although there are no quick fixes to rid yourself of established Japanese beetles, scientists with the USDA’s Agricultural ...
Invasive species researchers are heralding a dip in the City of Vancouver's Japanese beetle population as a win after years-long efforts to stop the spread of the ravenous plant-munching bug. But they ...
What’s not safe is the prospect of a full-scale invasion of Japanese beetles, which could cause untold damage to farms, homes and bank accounts. “If property owners don’t allow treatment ...
After five years of work in Palisade, they found no Japanese beetles, he said. Attendees asked several questions about the origin of the beetles and what could be done to eliminate them on the ...
Until 2017, BC was considered Japanese beetle free before the first insect was spotted in downtown Vancouver. Since then the ...