The Texas House on Thursday filed a sweep of education bills including public school finance and school voucher proposals.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbot said plans for a school voucher-style program won’t have a negative impact on one of the state’s most ...
Public school advocates oppose any plan resembling school vouchers saying such programs drain resources from the campuses ...
Texas House and Senate propose differing school voucher plans; the House links vouchers to public school funding levels.
Gov. Greg Abbott and Speaker Dustin Burrows predict a school voucher bill will pass through the Texas House, which last year ...
Meanwhile, a right-wing think tank and 'school choice' proponent said vouchers would cut spending on big-ticket items like ...
Families participating in the program could receive about 85% of the amount public schools collect for each attending student ...
The Texas Senate easily passed a school voucher bill Wednesday night. Senate Bill 2 would allow families to use taxpayer dollars to fund a child's education at an accredited private school.
The Texas Senate easily passed a school voucher bill Wednesday night that proposes to give families access to public money to ...
Conservatives can be found on several sides of the school voucher debate, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s dream of a school voucher program is caught between them. In states where pro-voucher ...
A proposal to create a school voucher-like plan for Texas was moved forward by a panel of lawmakers Tuesday night, giving voucher supporters like Gov. Greg Abbott their first major win of the ...