In Part 1 of this series, I outlined some basic economic theory regarding a universal basic income (UBI) and work incentives. By a UBI, I mean an income support policy that provides a set monthly ...
Yet in its portrayal of universal basic income, "Universal Basic Guys" turns a lifeline into a punchline. The show follows brothers Mark and Hank Hoagies (voiced by series creators Adam and Craig ...
There’s a reason that ideas from the progressive ivory tower need to be tested. Often, the grandest theories fall apart when exposed to the rigors of the real world. Consider the case of universal ...
A growing body of evidence shows that implementing universal basic income (UBI), or guaranteed income programs, would create a public assistance system that more effectively promotes food security, ...
Depending on whom you ask, providing all Americans with a guaranteed universal basic income could erase inequality and spur entrepreneurship or it could be a recipe for economic disaster.
As America's cities look to alleviate poverty, universal basic income has been proposed by local leaders as a complement to existing welfare. With a housing-affordability crisis and high ...
Everywhere you look, it seems, people are talking about a Universal Basic Income (UBI)—a monthly cash benefit paid to every citizen that would replace the existing means-tested welfare system.
The argument about a universal basic income (UBI) versus a job guarantee (JG) has become one of the liveliest and most contentious debates on the Left. Each has been touted as a solution to all ...
It seems to be the “in thing” for countries to have a Universal Basic Income (UBI) these days. Finland and Canada are trialling systems which distribute unconditional income to every citizen ...
an amount of money meant to address the basic needs of a person living in the U.S., distributed on top of regular income. In… ...
Known as universal basic income or guaranteed income, these proposals have been divisive. Depending on whom you ask, providing all Americans with a guaranteed universal basic income could erase ...