Civilization could prove a fragile thing.” Shell Oil Company confidential 1989 internal memo on the threat of global warming.
America sneezes and Britain catches a cold’ goes the old cliche, and certainly the weird MAGA cult’s talking points are being ...
Art, Punishment and Innovation edited by Kirstin Anderson. Waterside Press, published 1st October. £25. A new book explores ...
Stephen Noon and Kezia Dugdale have, with the Centre for Public Policy at the University of Glasgow, just published a major ...
There is an element of the Winter Fuel Allowance (WFA) decision over pensioners that is being missed, and it is increasingly ...
The broadcaster and columnist Andrew Marr has hit the headlines with a remarkable outburst against gaelic language signs at ...
Apparently, Andrew Marr finds the Gaelic on signage in Scotland offensive. Yes, the signs are offensive. Because the Gaelic ...
Keir Starmer’s speech to conference was one of the most stage-managed and vapid addresses I’ve ever seen. He is not a natural ...
This week marks the 10-year anniversary of the Scottish independence referendum, a moment when, briefly, Scotland was ...
The true nature of the Starmer Labour party is on display in Liverpool this week, its quite the reveal. The crowds cheered as ...
The sudden closure of The People’s Story museum on Canongate has taken everyone by surprise. Including the councillors for the area and the local community. The museum is unique in Edinburgh. Focusing ...
Scotland’s disastrous over tourism strategy is a sign of our political immaturity, our lack of insight and aspiration and our ...