The CMF director shares insights from the Young Horizons Think Tank on how broadcasters are adapting strategies to engage ...
Sede di un fiorente segmento del settore audiovisivo europeo, Colonia ospiterà nuovamente i due eventi a metà ottobre, ...
Home to a thriving segment of the European audiovisual sector, Cologne will once again host the two events in mid-October, ...
The directorial duo chatted to us about their new movie which sees them pursuing their journey in search of ghosts from ...
The director behind Perfect Strangers is shooting a romantic comedy which delves into the minds of its two protagonists, ...
03/10/2024 - Il regista di Perfetti sconosciuti gira una commedia romantica che va oltre le apparenze, immergendosi nella ...
A total of 74 projects of special artistic value will benefit from the grants, including the next projects by Albert Serra, ...
02/10/2024 - Un total de 74 proyectos de especial valor artístico se benefician de las subvenciones, entre ellos, lo próximo ...
02/10/2024 - En tout, 74 projets d’intérêt artistique bénéficieront de ces subventions, notamment les prochains films ...
Jules Lefebvre, Loste Berset and Mamadou Haïdara star in the director’s feature debut, produced by Moana Films via the ...
Leone ha 50 anni, è un uomo potente, ricco e misterioso, ma soprattutto solo. Decide di affittare una compagnia di attori per ...
02/10/2024 - Jules Lefebvre, Loste Berset et Mamadou Haïdara au casting du premier long du cinéaste, produit par Moana Films ...