Abbiamo parlato con Ippolito L. Pestellini, fondatore di 2050+, che attraverso i suoi progetti – e quelli di altri – ci ...
We spoke to Ippolito L. Pestellini, founder of 2050+, who, through his projects - and those of others - tells us about one of ...
The online gaming platform developed by Epic Games is collaborating with the architecture firm in creating a new cooperative ...
Tra party in piazza e cavalli in Potsdameplatz, edifici occupati e street style, i fotografi di Ostkreuz raccontano una ...
Between square parties and horses on Potsdameplatz, occupied buildings and street style, the photographers of Ostkreuz recount an almost unrecognisable Berlin with an exhibition at the C/O.
Identity and continuity: in 1986 Domus met the Italian designer behind legendary models such as the S-class and SL spiders, ...
Identità e continuità: nel 1986 Domus incontrava il designer italiano autore di modelli leggendari come la classe S e le ...
The house designed by Ignacio Correa Arquitecto in the Región de Los Lagos is a machine for discovering the landscape, born ...