Contact dermatitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
May 2, 2024 · Contact dermatitis is an itchy rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to it. The rash isn't contagious, but it can be very uncomfortable. Many substances can cause this reaction, such as cosmetics, fragrances, jewelry and plants.
Contact dermatitis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
May 2, 2024 · Your health care provider may be able to diagnose contact dermatitis by talking to you about your signs and symptoms. You might be asked questions to help identify the cause of your condition and uncover clues about the trigger substance. And you'll likely undergo a skin exam to assess the rash.
Types of dermatitis (dermatitis pictures) - Mayo Clinic
Dec 19, 2023 · Learn to identify types of dermatitis by how the skin looks. Examples include atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis.
Dermatitis de contacto - Síntomas y causas - Mayo Clinic
May 2, 2024 · El contacto con ciertas sustancias, como la hiedra venenosa, las lociones para la piel y los detergentes, puede causar un sarpullido que provoca picazón. Aquí te explicamos cómo controlar esta forma común de dermatitis.
Contact dermatitis on the face - Mayo Clinic
Contact dermatitis often affects skin directly exposed to an offending substance. Here, the rash is likely caused by cosmetics.
Dermatitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
A common cause of dermatitis is contact with something that irritates your skin or triggers an allergic reaction. Examples of such things are poison ivy, perfume, lotion and jewelry containing nickel.
Dermatitis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
To diagnose dermatitis, your doctor will likely look at your skin and talk with you about your symptoms and medical history. You may need to have a small piece of skin removed for study in a lab, which helps rule out other conditions.
Dermatitis de contacto - Diagnóstico y tratamiento - Mayo Clinic
May 2, 2024 · Algunas preguntas básicas que podrías hacer sobre la dermatitis de contacto incluyen las siguientes: ¿Qué puede estar provocando mis signos y síntomas? ¿Se necesitan pruebas para confirmar el diagnóstico? ¿Cuáles son los tratamientos disponibles y cuál me recomiendas? ¿Esta afección es temporal o crónica?
Mayo Clinic Minute: Patch testing for contact dermatitis
Oct 3, 2024 · Dr. Hall: Patch testing is the crucial test that we perform to assess for allergic contact dermatitis. It's a weeklong test. We have to see patients on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the same week. DeeDee Stiepan: During the initial visit, the dermatologist determines possible risk factors that may be causing the contact dermatitis.
Chapped lips: Causes and treatments - Mayo Clinic Press
Dec 31, 2024 · Contact dermatitis. Using a lip, skin or beauty product that you’re allergic to or that irritates your skin could result in red, scaly, itchy, tender or swollen lips. This is contact dermatitis. If you suspect a cosmetic culprit, stop using it and see if the irritation gets better.