Evolution of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Sedimentary Basin
Jan 1, 2019 · The Gulf of Mexico opened as a Late Triassic-Mid Jurassic continental rift that was first largely covered by the Mid-Jurassic Louann Salt and later split apart by a triangular-shaped oceanic crust. Salt in the Gulf of Mexico largely hampers the imaging and interpretation of underlying pre-salt and crustal geometries, which are fundamental for ...
The Gulf of Mexico - ScienceDirect
Jan 1, 2019 · The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean bordered by five states of the United States on the northern and the eastern border, five Mexican states on its western and southern border, and Cuba to the southeast (Fig. 18.1).
The economic significance of the Gulf of Mexico related to …
Jan 1, 2004 · Mexico and Cuba are two other notable nations that utilize the fisheries resources of the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico and Cuba landed 259,156 and 51,400 mt in 2001, respectively, from the Western Atlantic region [9]. This region (FAO region 31) contains the Gulf of Mexico and the western, central Atlantic Ocean.
Structure, age, and tectonic evolution of the Gulf of Mexico
Jan 1, 2022 · The Gulf of Mexico is an isolated oceanic basin whose nature, structure and age are not fully elucidated, mostly because seafloor spreading isochrons have not been identified in this basin so far. We compiled and processed all publicly available marine magnetic data to produce a new magnetic anomaly map of the Gulf of Mexico.
Opening of the Gulf of Mexico: What we know, what questions …
Jan 5, 2022 · The Gulf of Mexico is an economically important basin with more than a century-long history of hydrocarbon exploration. However, the opening of the basin remains debated for two reasons: 1) the quality of data does not allow for reliable interpretations of crustal features beneath thick and complex overburden, and 2) most industry well and ...
The Gulf of Mexico: towards an integration of coastal …
Jan 1, 2004 · The Gulf of Mexico is a shared resource at risk, with the following major problems: (a) freshwater use and shortage, (b) pollution, (c) habitat modification, (d) unsustainable exploitation of living resources, (e) global change (sea level rise, temperature increase and change in rainfall patterns), (f) public education, and (g) lack of ...
Opening of the Gulf of Mexico: What we know, what questions …
Jan 5, 2022 · The Gulf of Mexico is an ocean basin flanked by the continental United States to the north, Mexico to the west and south, and Cuba to the southeast. Tectonic initiation of the Gulf of Mexico began in the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic as continental rifting associated with the breakup of Pangea (Dickinson et al., 2010; Huerta and Harry, 2012 ...
Geochemistry of marine sediments adjacent to the Los Tuxtlas …
Jun 1, 2022 · The Papaloapan River basin (17°19° N and 95°–97° 40′ W) is the second largest hydrological basin in Mexico, drains 39,189 km 2 of catchment area before reaching the Gulf of Mexico with an annual volume of discharge of 39,175 km 3. The Papaloapan River flows into the Gulf of Mexico through the Alvarado lagoon, Veracruz State.
Ocean acidification in the Gulf of Mexico: Drivers, impacts, and ...
Dec 1, 2022 · The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) contains a wide range of ecosystems that provide important services and play a critical role in supporting the Gulf coast, United States, and international economies. For example, according to NOAA Fisheries in 2019, GOM commercial seafood landings revenue in the United States was $1.4 billion and accounted for 15% of ...
Sequence stratigraphy of the Miocene section, southern Gulf of …
Sep 1, 2017 · The resultant Paleogene clastic sedimentation in the southern Gulf of Mexico, the Chiapas Massif still produced large volumes of sediments deposited in large depocenters, whereas in the Yucatan Block the deposition of shallow water carbonates continued (Padilla y Sánchez, 2007). In the study area, the Miocene succession is mainly sand-prone ...