Home | Mexico Initiatives
The University of Arizona' s engagement in Mexico cuts across all disciplines. Learn more about the University's education, research and service in Mexico.
Overview | Mexico Initiatives
Housed within Arizona International, the Office of Mexico Initiatives is focused on strengthening the University of Arizona's relationships with higher education, research, government and industry partners in Mexico; to develop collaborations that advance the mission and goals of a global, land grant University; and unite efforts between ...
Mexico Initiatives Team
The University of Arizona is a Diamond member of the Arizona Mexico Commission, the premier forum for developing binational collaborations for public and private sector stakeholders engaged in the Arizona-Mexico relationship. Led by Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, the AMC provides a framework for growing partnerships and developing action items ...
Initiatives | Mexico Initiatives
Arizona-Mexico Economic Indicators: Arizona’s Trade & Competitiveness in the U.S.-Mexico Region focuses on Arizona’s trade with Mexico, assessment of the role of Arizona’s border ports of entry (BPOE) in the U.S.-Mexico border region, and monitoring key indicators of …
Institutional Partners - Mexico Initiatives
The University of Arizona is proud to partner with institutions of higher education and research; federal, state and municipal governments; as well as industry and non-profit and non-governmental organizations in collaborative cross-border initiatives in education, research, and service throughout Mexico.
Study in Mexico - Mexico Initiatives
The University of Arizona offers many educational experiences in Mexico including study abroad and faculty-led short term programs in various locations in Mexico. From short, but meaningful and transformative excursions to the U.S. – Mexico borderlands to semester long stays at university partners throughout Mexico, UofA students enjoy many ...
Mexico’s Renewable Energy Future | Mexico Initiatives
Thanks to long-awaited progressive energy reform in Mexico and cross-border collaborations to develop new technologies and bolster national energy security, Davila-Peralta believes the future of clean energy in Mexico is bright.
Border Issues - Mexico Initiatives
Take an in-depth look at the UArizona research at work in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands.
Education - Mexico Initiatives
Apr 28, 2020 · Today, Arizona is home to 22 federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the O’odham and the Yaqui. Committed to diversity and inclusion, the University strives to build sustainable relationships with sovereign Native Nations and Indigenous communities through education offerings, partnerships, and community service.
Climate Collaboration on the U.S.-Mexico Border
The 100,000-square-mile area along the United States-Mexico border has experienced drought, ravaging floods, wildfire and dust; climate change is expected to make the region hotter and drier, triggering irreversible changes to the ecosystem.